
Promising ICOs. How to Spot Them?

April 3, 2018 12:00 AM
46 850 Views
Promising ICOs. How to Spot Them?

How Does It Work?
ICO’s are frighteningly easy to set up. Basically anyone can launch an ICO by issuing crypto tokens on the blockchain, giving early investors the opportunity to acquire tokens in exchange for cryptocurrencies. The project is usually presented via a website and a publically available white-paper in which the mission, goals and tokenomics are explained. Tokenomics refer to all the information pertaining the issued token; its use within the ecosystem, the hard-cap (maximum amount the project is looking to raise through the ico), etc.

The Problem with Investing
Given that ICO’s are so easy to set up, it’s unsurprising that there are plenty of bad actors and overambitious overvalued projects in the space. Usually an investor has only a minimal amount of information to base his or her decision on. And this information can be easily misrepresented or blatantly faked by the project creators themselves. On top of that there is also the concern that in cryptocurrency investment there are no guarantees. Say you’ve done your research; found a promising project with a strong team, ambitious yet realistic goals. At which point you decide to invest; Smooth sailing from here on right? Wrong! Without the legal and regulatory projection, which this space is currently lacking, even investing in a solid project won’t bring you any more guarantees. A well known example of this is the ico DAO, which raised a staggering $150 million with it’s ICO! While the ico could be called a success, it wasn’t...  Not soon after they managed to raise the necessary funds, they became the target of malicious hackers losing a large chunk of their earnings in the process.

Neironix.io Solution
ICO investing is a delicate game of finding trustworthy information and critical analysis. Neironix.io is offering exactly that! The goal Neironix has set out for itself is to guide people through the traitorous ICO market, offering unbiased project reviews- and ratings. The projects go through a stringent evaluation process with attention to the core factors determining the potential success of a project. Including elements such as:
• Real teams
• Detailed whitepaper
• Quality of website and other marketing strategy
• Transparency
• Admins who understand and explain the project
• Backing from the crypto community
Investinbrokers.com the Next Big Success
NEIRONIX, recently added to it own listing our upcoming ICO project Invest in Brokers. The Invest in Brokers team intends to offer its users a feeless platform enabling trustless API-based copy-trading for experienced and beginner cryptocurrency traders. Through an easy to use platform interface, users will be able to copy experienced traders directly and without effort on the exchange(s) of their preference, all the while keeping full control over their funds and private keys.
Their goal is to bring together beginning- and experienced traders in a win-win situation. Because of Invest Platform, each user increases the opportunity to maximize their profits. The beginning trader does so by enjoying the skills and success of experienced traders; while experienced traders do so by having the ability to offer their paid services to a large audience.
Our Commitment
Neironix.io aims to continue to bring high quality reviews and we invite projects that believe they qualify for this to contact us on info@neironix.io or alternatively fill out the form on neironix.io