
Ways to keep yourself informed on cryptocurrencies

ikrom Ergashev
March 16, 2023 12:00 AM
4 803 Views
Ways to keep yourself informed on cryptocurrencies

Crypto News Sources

There are lots of places where you can find the latest cryptocurrency news. We recommend that you look at sites that solely cover crypto news, such as CoinDesk, Cointelegraph and Bitcoin Magazine. However, you can always take a look at more general media sources, like Forbes, Bloomberg, TradingView. To stay informed, it's important to regularly read a variety of publications so you can form your own balanced opinion about what's going on.

Reddit, Twitter & YouTube

Although not the most reliable, there are some good Reddit communities, Twitter and YouTube profiles which you can learn from. These can be really good places to ask questions and hear about other people's experiences, but you shouldn't solely rely on these platforms, as most of the users aren't experts. So make sure to use a variety of sources if you want a more rounded view.

Attend Events

Attending Crypto events can be a lot of fun, and you can learn a lot from them. It's a great opportunity to meet fellow investors and to have real discussions about the latest coins and news. Plus there's a huge number of events, both big and small, that take place all across the world so you're going to find something interesting happening close by. Some of the bigger events, like Blockchain Life, BitCoin and Consensus by Coindesk, can be worth making a special trip for as they attract the big name speakers in the cryptocurrency space.

Crypto Influencers

Although we don't recommend you don't take financial advice from crypto influencers as they're not the most reliable, there are some knowledgeable ones out there. If you choose a couple who know what they’re talking about, you can actually learn a lot from them. One example is Coin Bureau, who is really active on Twitter and YouTube, and who states clearly that he's not a financial advisor.

Project Websites

There’s no better way to research news and features of a particular project, than on the actual website of the project itself. Always try to get the information straight from the source. So, when you start doing your research into cryptocurrencies go and have a look at the websites and the whitepapers of the coins you're interested in as your starting point so that you learn the real use-cases and expectations of the project for the future.


The great thing when it comes to researching cryptocurrencies is that there are a lot of sources just waiting to be discovered. Keeping informed about the cryptocurrencies trends can increase your chances of making better investments, just like learning betting strategies can better inform your strategy at an online casino like platincasino.com. After some time researching the topic, you'll be able to distinguish which are the most interesting and informative sites, people and events that you want to continue paying attention to in order to help inform yourself on future investments. 

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